Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Disease 5 - Daphne Virus

Daphnes grow best in cool areas and need soils rich in organic matter and slightly acidic. They prefer semi-shade and a cool, moist root run, so mulching is important. Daphne odora, the most common species, suffers from a number of viruses. These viruses are untreatable, but more resistant varieties have been released, termed "High health" plants. 

Symptoms of viral illness are shown in the specimens above, found in the Royal Botanic Gardens. They can include yellow blotches, irregular streaks, dead flecks, twisting or puckering. Flowers are often small, distorted and green. The whole plant may be stunted. 

Ref : Judy McMaugh, pg. 107


  1. Well done Ray, good examples once more

  2. There has been a concerted effort in producing virus free Daphne, some of these are now available on the market.
